Thursday, March 26, 2009


well, at least one of my mengidamness did come true. budat2 nakal itu was in Penang last 2 days. yep, my bro's here for his convocation, Onto-sumthin2-logi Specialist. hahahhaa. Pakar telinga-hidung-tekak (ear nose n throat). kesian Abe, nobody's here. yelah, wrong timing bro. ape daaa USM wat mini-convo on working days. so, momi was here. together with those cute 3 little musketeers. *oh, sangat2 buas* the Energizer-Idris, the UltraAiman and the cute-manja2 OmMMahhhh!

babysitting was neva this easy. whahaha..budat2 tido sampai pkul 11. thank God they didnt wake up early. huru-hara lah without the ummi n ayoh.

let me show u my angels. plis dun get jealous. they are as adorable as me. hahak!




n some pics of Abe in robe~ kwang2

hahaha...Congratulations once again~..

thats all..wait for more~


Anonymous said...

expression omar duk atah dukung tu best!!! hepi gilo dio

beeRamza said...

omar -sangat hebat berlakon. cit, dio loyar buruk tau x!